Tips for the elderly before travelling

 Tips for the elderly before travelling 

German expert Erhard Hackler advises the elderly to follow some tips and instructions before traveling, in order to preserve their health and safety.

Hackler – a member of the German Association for Helping the Elderly – explained that choosing a travel destination is the first of these measures. Allergies choose heights or places overlooking the sea.

In case of doubt, the expert recommends consulting a doctor, in addition to knowing the weather of the travel destination throughout the trip.

On the other hand, the German Pharmacists Chamber advises that when traveling by plane, it is preferable to put cold-sensitive drugs in the hand luggage, as the cargo compartment is sometimes very cold, which may cause insulin crystallization and loss of effectiveness, in addition to the possibility of losing Luggage. Hackler recommended that liquid medicines be preferred as much as possible, in order to avoid the need for water.

For heart patients, the German Heart Foundation stressed the need to consult a doctor, in order to find out whether it is possible to travel or no. In addition, if the doctor agrees, it’s better to conduct tests three weeks before traveling.

Heart patients should also bring some documents, such as reports of surgeries or the medical leaflet for some important medicines as they may need them in the country of destination.

Some tips for the elderly when traveling

The elderly are usually afraid to travel alone, due to their health problems, and their fear of not being able to complete their long-dreaming trip, despite their desire that urges them to take tourist tours around the world to fill their emptiness and boredom, and in search of new opportunities for enjoyment and recreation after a long journey of struggling with life’s adventures, but there are simple ways they can help in having a safe and comfortable travel.

1. Planning ahead for the holiday:

Dear traveler, you must consult your travel agent about the destinations you wish to travel to, in order to get to know more about the nature of those places, and then you can choose among the options the most suitable for you.

2. Get to know the medical facilities in the destination you wish to visit through:

– Doing some research online about the language, climate and culture of this country.

– Buying a travel guide book to this place, and finish reading it before you go.

If you are in a wheelchair, be sure to make the necessary arrangements, including places to sit in on the plane. The arrangement should be done in advance of your flight.

The necessity of obtaining comprehensive insurance while traveling, and make sure that it covers all medical expenses in connection to any illness, theft of valuable things and damage to luggage.

3. Baggage:

You should put everything you need on the plane in your hand luggage, especially with regard to medicines, pain relievers, antacids.

It is recommended to protect against any theft by carrying as little baggage as possible, because if you carry excessive loads, you make yourself a valuable prey for bag hijackers and pickpockets.

A wheeled suitcase should be used, so that travel is more convenient.

4. Travelers with disabilities:

If you are in this category of people, we suggest that you contact the airports and airlines well in advance of your departure time to find out more about services offered to people with disabilities, including seating arrangements, special meals and various transfers. So try to make all necessary reservations in advance to avoid any inconveniences.

Notify the airlines about your requirements, as well as informing the travel agency or company you are booking with.

Make sure you book direct flights as much as possible, and if not, give yourself plenty of time to make necessary transfers between planes, or other forms of transportation.

Contact the local tourist authority at your destination, to see if the public transport system accommodates your disability or not.

5. Pre-departure medical examinations:

A full medical examination prior to departure is important, especially if you have had recent surgery, or have heart disease, high blood pressure or any other chronic deseases.

Be sure to mention any specific health concerns you may have to your doctor, regarding dietary changes, and time zone differences.

If you intend to travel to areas with contagious diseases, make sure you have the necessary vaccination.

6. Medicines while traveling:

When you visit a country for the first time, you should check the legality of your medicines there, and you can do this simply by contacting your embassy, ​​high commission or consulate.

Make sure you talk to your doctor and discuss with him or her medication you will need at your destination.

You should carry a letter from your doctor with a description of the medicine; how many times a day you will take it, and also mention that it is for your personal use.

Leave the medication in its original package, so that you are aware of the different information in the notice (prescription).

In case you need injections, it may be best to carry some of your own syringes with you.

Wear a medical alert bracelet or necklace containing your medical details, to notify others of your medical complaint in case you need urgent help.

7. Clothes:

The clothes must be comfortable and loose, so as to allow blood flow to all areas of the body.

Avoid wearing tight socks as much as possible.

8. Exercise:

It is better to do simple exercises on the plane, as inactivity can negatively affect the muscles and joints, as well as blood circulation, so you have to stand and walk in the corridors, and work to extend your arms and legs every period.

Increased intake of fluids, especially water, should be used to combat low humidity and dry weather inside the aircraft.

Avoid caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, especially for diabetics.

9. Taking into account the time differences:

Be sure to talk to your doctor about the appropriate time to take your medication, and inform him of the time differences between your place of residence and your next destination.

Ask your doctor if there are any foods to avoid while on vacation, and if any of them specifically could interfere with your medications.

10. Extra care:

Take good care of yourself against any kind of infection.

It’s necessary to wash hands and use disinfectants, especially after traveling by all means of transportation, and before eating food.

11. Safety procedures:

It isn’t advisable to go out and travel around your destination at night.

Don’t wear expensive jewelry in a conspicuous way.

Put valuables such as travelers’ checks and credit cards in a belt under clothing.

Keep a fake wallet with you, if you are facing a threat from a bandit, you can hand this wallet to him and keep your money.

12. Accommodation:

If you are traveling independently, your accommodation must be booked in advance, especially  if you are due to arrive in the country you are visiting late at night.

Make sure to find a way to stay in touch with your family via email and mobile phones.

And in the end, you should have all the means of private communication:

See your doctor, you may need it in an emergency.

Your travel agent if the booking was made through a travel agency.

Emergency contact numbers.

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