Salty muffins with vegetables for breakfast

 Salty muffins with vegetables for breakfast.. Variety of dishes and recipes for morning breakfast on your trip with my lady’s kitchen, and learn how to prepare delicious muffin recipes with vegetables, a light and good recipe that your family will like

Cooking time 30 minutes

Enough for 4 people


Eggs: 4 grains

Mozzarella cheese: a cup

Carrots: three quarters of a cup (grated)

Corn: three quarters of a cup

Peas: a quarter cup

Vegetable oil: a tablespoon

Spices: a pinch

Salt: a pinch

How to prepare

In a large bowl, put the carrots, peas and corn, and mix well.

Take a muffin tray and grease it with vegetable oil.

Put the vegetable mixture in the muffin tins.

In a large bowl, add eggs, salt and spices and mix well.

Put the egg mixture into the muffin tins.

Put the cheese on the muffin tins.

Put the tray in the oven for 20 minutes, and serve it as a healthy breakfast or dinner.

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