Choose a dog with a crushed nose: good or bad idea?

They are if “cute” that they are fury: Since a few years, dogs brachycéphales, i.e. to flat snout, are more to the mode that ever. We love both their bouille round of baby that one wants to dogs to the snout always more flattened. But at what price?
French bulldogs, English Bulldog, carlins, Pekingese… All these small dogs with flat nose font fury at this time. Some breeds are even sold to price of gold. Attracted by the appearance of the baby that have these dogs, some people prefer to follow their desires or the mode at the expense of the health of the dog.
The veterinary doctor Stéphane Tardif explains: “The brachycéphalie, i.e. the fact of having to have a flat snout, corresponds to the settling of the upper respiratory tract (especially nasal cavity): The hum characteristic of these dogs, if appreciated by some of the owners, is in reality the its product because of the narrowness of his nose, called stridor. It is therefore of a malformation of the respiratory tract, selected in the genetics of the race, in its standard”.
The dogs to flat snout suffer?

If cute they are, these dogs to flattened muzzle may suffer. In effect, genetic selection, which responds to the request, has resulted over the years in the dogs” hypertypés”, that is to say with morphological characteristics exacerbated: a rear-train always more low among the German Shepherd, skin always more folded in the Shar-peï, legs always shorter among the Basset, or snouts always more dishes. On behalf of the aesthetic, these dogs if physically “perfect” in the light of the breed standards, have been put in danger, as shown in this illustration of Purina Switzerland :
it today are the result of serious health problems: respiratory difficulties, ophthalmic problems, auricular and skin, as well as difficulties during the calving due to the size of the skull of the puppies.
Respiratory problems suffered by these dogs are not to be taken lightly: “They have birth to death Respiratory Insufficiency congenital. This makes them much more fragile and sensitive to the level of the respiratory pathologies cardiac or,” continues Dr. Tardif. The dogs could not sweating, they regulate their body temperature panting. However, their nasal mucous membranes being reduced, these dogs must provide more effort to breathe. When it is hot, this effort can become unbearable, at least that the animal may die.
Does it prohibit the reproduction of dogs hypertypés?

The surgery can help to improve the comfort of life of some dogs brachycéphales, in some cases, but produces no miracle.
Then to avoid that these dogs do not suffer from generation to generation, should prohibit the reproduction of hypertypés dogs? For Dr. Tardif, there should be particular “communicate around this notion, that this either from the institutions to force the change of the standards, among farmers to ensure that they are more responsible in the selection of criteria to reproduce, and also from the owners, for they are aware of what is involved in the choice of this morphology”.
Switzerland has already taken steps in this direction since the beginning of the year: the Swiss Association of medicine of small animals (ASMPA), the Association Swiss Veterinary of animal protection (AVSPA), the Society of cynologie Switzerland (CBS) and the Faculty Berne Vetsuisse met to sensitize all the public of the dangers of the brachycéphalie, support the farms wishing to improve the health of their dogs, promote the academic research in the field of the brachycéphalie canine, or limit Ads using the image of the dogs brachycéphales.
So, should we take an example of our Swiss neighbors?

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