Broccoli soup without diet cream

 Broccoli soup without diet cream … A variety of diet foods we offer you from my lady’s kitchen, try our light recipe today from broccoli soup and serve it without adding cream and with no delicious taste

Cooking time 30 minutes

Enough for 4 people


Broccoli: half a head (florets)

Butter: a tablespoon

Onion: 1 piece (chopped)

Potato: 1 piece (chopped)

Salt: as needed

Black pepper: as needed

Vegetable broth: 3 cups

How to prepare

Fry the onions in a saucepan over the fire with butter, and stir until the onions soften.

Add broccoli and potatoes, stirring.

Season the ingredients with salt, black pepper and white pepper.

Pour vegetable broth over the ingredients.

Leave the pot on the fire for a quarter of an hour until maturity.

Remove the ingredients and leave them to cool, then puree them in an electric mixer, until you get a smooth texture.

Return the pot to the heat again for an additional 5 minutes.

Serve the soup hot and garnish with green onions.

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