Why Should You Travel?

 Why Should You Travel?


         Undoubtedly, travelling is one of the mysterious sides of human lives; people tend to travel for many reasons: trade, security, food, and work. In general, travelling generates many benefits to name but a few:

Consolidation of social relations:

         A US survey has shown that sharing the experience of travel with another person contributes greatly to strengthen the relationship between the two. It’s also proved that traveling with the life partner influences the relationship positively in the long term. it strengthens it by sharing the same goals, interests and experiences. Travelling is also an opportunity for you to see relatives and friends who have long been sighted.

 spending a period of recuperation and recreation:

          Being busy is a human characteristic . Routine travel is a refuge from the pressures of everyday life and helps decreasing Tension and control it as  the person spends a full time of rest and recreation. Among the benefits of physical and psychological travel it enhances the sense of happiness; it leads to low level of cortisol in the body, which makes the person calm and satisfied.

Reducing frustration:

            Travel is a good treatment for frustration and a substitute for antidepressant drugs, according to the results of a range of research. Another study in Wisconsin found that women who travel once every two years are more likely to be frustrated and stressed more than those who travel at least twice a year.

Going through new experiences:

            A person goes through new experiences when traveling. He /she expands his horizons. Add to that the opportunity one gets to mix and learn from diverse cultures. This would let him or her develops on both personal and social levels. In addition, the individual enhances his or her creative sense. Thus, identifying and exploring new places and cultures, and have memorable souvenirs.

Homeland appreciation:

             Moving out of one’s homeland enhances a person’s positive attitude toward his/her country, especially when he/she goes to poor countries with limited resources.  Lack of electricity in an area, for example, makes a person grateful to his country and to the services and privileges provided to him.

Other reasons for Travelling

1- Traveling allows you to discover yourself, to get out of your comfort zone and to face new situations and experience new adventures, which contributes to the development of neurons and the increase in their activity.

2- Living strong moments is an opportunity to strengthen self-confidence, overcome fears, and develop creative abilities and sources of inspiration.

3- become aware of the beauty and richness of the world and enrich one’s knowledge by exploring new horizons, discovering other populations, and other cultures.

4- Make extraordinary encounters and communicate with people from all over the world

5- Escape the monotony and stress of everyday life, detach yourself from the past, and learn to savor the present moment.

6- For children, travel reinforces the values ​​of tolerance and benevolence. In addition, scientific studies have confirmed that children who travel regularly are more interested in school and studies.

7- Travel is generally an opportunity to take stock of your life and enjoy a moment of reflection. On the other hand, traveling could be the best plan for a new beginning, a new stage of life that is coming up. We can therefore set new objectives and freely choose our next destination.

8- When traveling, you often put yourself to the test, you learn to take the initiative, manage your money, organize yourself and take full responsibility, which contributes to the development of your personality, especially for young people.

Recommendations for an Effective Travel

Many people just go on vacation. Others, do more than just a trip, they LIVE the moments. Here are five ways for traveling differently and effectively.

1- Be open to meetings

Often when we travel, we are in a well defined area. Whether it’s a hotel, a resort or just the circle of a group travel, or friends; It is not necessarily natural to leave this framework. Yet a trip, a country can not be summed up in a geographical area. A country is also a population, a culture, people with whom you can interact. Just try to talk to the locals. This old man sitting next to you in this cafe may have a wonderful story to tell you about his city as he knows so well. Be open to human encounters.

2- Do not compare to your country

The best way to spoil the trip is to systematically compare everything to one’s own country. The food will be different, the temperature, transport, prices … it’s never better or worse, it’s just different. You have to accept these differences without comparing them, and your trip will be more pleasant.

3- Admire before photographing

One of the reflexes that has developed in some travelers in recent years is to photograph excessively and systematically everything they see. In front of them can find the most beautiful wonders of Mother Nature, they will not bother to watch this show before having immortalized in digital. And even when a rare bird lands on a branch a few inches above their head and risks starting again from one second to the next, they will prefer to capture it on their smartphone screen rather than just enjoying it. Try to look before you shoot.

4- Do not be rigid

Openness is like the flexibility of the body, it works! This opening goes through many parameters, but it is generally a philosophy to develop. Do not follow exactly the advice of your travel guide. Use it as a base, but also ask the opinion of the inhabitants of the city. From the moment the guide was printed to your visit, it took several months or even years, and the very fashionable restaurant described in the guide may have become very bad in the meantime. By asking a resident, he may tell you a really good new establishment that has just opened and is not even in your precious guide yet!

5- Use all your senses & live the moments

A trip is above all a sensory experience. When you walk in the streets of a city, when you walk in the aisles of a market, try to open your eyes wide, to feel all the smells, good and bad, remove the headphones of your mp3 player to listen to the noises around you. In the markets do not hesitate to taste the food they offer, buy some samples, you may be surprised at what you will feel like new flavors. Touch the stone walls of this alley, the bronze of this statue. Leave your five senses awake. That’s also traveling!

Adapted from  https://www.moroccoguidedtravel.com/


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