Symptoms and Types of Rabies in Dogs

Symptoms and Types of Rabies in Dogs
There are two forms of rabies: paralytic and furious. In the early symptom (prodomal) stage of rabies infection, the dog will show only mild signs of CNS abnormalities. This stage will last from one to three days. Most dogs will then progress to either the furious stage, the paralytic stage, or a combination of the two, while others succumb to the infection without displaying any major symptoms.

Furious rabies is characterized by extreme behavioral changes, including overt aggression and attack behavior. Paralytic rabies, also referred to as dumb rabies, is characterized by weakness and loss of coordination, followed by paralysis.

This is a fast-moving virus. If it is not treated soon after the symptoms have begun, the prognosis is poor. Therefore, if your dog has been in a fight with another animal, or has been bitten or scratched by another animal, or if you have any reason to suspect that your pet has come into contact with a rabid animal (even if your pet has been vaccinated against the virus), you must take your dog to a veterinarian for preventive care immediately.

The following are some of the symptoms of rabies to watch for in your dog:
Jaw is dropped
Inability to swallow
Change in tone of bark
Muscular lack of coordination
Unusual shyness or aggression
Excessive excitability
Constant irritability/changes in attitude and behavior
Paralysis in the mandible and larynx
Excessive salivation (hypersalivation), or frothy saliva

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