Pension for dog, hotel and camping

If you plan to stay at the hotel during your trip, it is best to inquire before departure to find out if the facility accepts dogs and under what conditions. There are notable differences between the various hotels. Some categorically refuse all dogs of any size, others accept them under certain reservations, issued by their own care.
The price can vary significantly depending on its size and of course the number of stars. You can also ask if your dog can stay alone in the room, if there is a garden so that he can run, if it is possible to prepare his meals and finally if there are size restrictions or of race. When you arrive, do not let your companion get on the bed, chairs or chairs and in case you should leave him alone in the room, hang the Do Not Disturb sign and let the reception know.
All these tips are also valid for campsites that are also open spaces in which the dog should not walk alone, without control, under penalty of risk, both for himself or for people or other dogs staying on field. Do not forget that the temperature can rise very quickly in a caravan and under a tent and cause a shock.
The pensions for dogs symbolize another choice, that of leaving without his companion while knowing that he will be well treated until his return. They are perfect if you have to go to a country strictly regulating the entry of animals or applying a quarantine.
They also allow to accommodate the dog, arrived at destination, in case it would not be accepted in the hotels or finally simply if one does not wish to take his animal.

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