5 essential steps to getting a job on a farm in Canada

We offer you visitors to the “Canada Farms Jobs site” different models for jobs and job opportunities in Canada and we aim by providing these models to help you, to access the job available for the application.

Important note:

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We receive your application and resume either from you directly or through our recruitment agents. We review it if you meet the basic job requirements, we set up a skype interview with you and ask you to provide supporting documents and make sure you meet the immigration requirements.


Where there is a possible match, we send you the job details and if you are OK with the position, we forward your resume to our client. If the employer is interested in your application, we set up an online video interview between you and employer.


If you are successful, you will receive an employment offer outlining your job title, duties, hourly wage, working hours and other working condition.


You will need to get a work permit and a visa to enter Canada (depending on your country of citizenship). You may choose to do all the paperwork yourself. In this case, we recommend you to ensure that you are knowledgeable about the process and you keep yourself updated on the latest developments concerning your application. You may also choose to work with our immigration consultant, who can act as your immigration representative throughout the process and provide assistance with your application.


Once you have arrived in Canada we provide settlement and immigration assistance to you and your family.  We will work with you and your family prior to your arrival in Canada to ensure smooth integration upon arrival. Once you arrive, we will take care of your basic needs like getting a drivers’ license, Social Insurance Number, Health Card, setting up a bank account – all the administrivia of being employed in Canada.

Important note:

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