4 Reasons I’m Thankful for Our Dogs

As a dog owner, today I have some words to tell my fur babies that I am so thankful for my dogs! I’d like to look at 4 of the many reasons I’m thankful for our dogs each and every day!

1- Joy of Unconditional Love
Having a bad hair day? Too busy with work to clean the house? Well, the dogs just don’t care. They love us no matter what.

2- Joy in Meeting New People
I have to admit that I’m sometimes a little shy around new people–but our dogs, especially Tiki, just LOVE to meet new people. With the dogs along on our travels, I’ve had the chance to meet many fellow dog lovers and always find that conversation comes so easily when there’s a four-legged topic standing right in front of us.

3- Joy in Rescue

Every day, Irie and Tiki remind me of all the great pets waiting for forever homes in shelters and rescues everywhere. For every order made at Petswe.com, most part of the money has gone toward food, medical supplies and treatments for these unfortunate animals.

4- Joy in Exercise
I have to confess that I sometimes get caught up in work and have a hard time pulling away from my computer. Irie and Tiki never fail to remind me when it’s time for their twice-daily walks. For all the benefit it does them to exercise and have a consistent schedule in their lives, though, I know that I’m the one receiving the most benefit from our dog walks. Not only does it get me up and moving but it also reminds me to stop and enjoy the world around me. My phone stays in my bag, and I cherish this quiet time with the dogs on our walking trails.

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